
ddbypeggy.com 提示:

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Legal Notice

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2. Medical Information / Conditions

This website may contain general information about medical products or treatment methods. The information as a pure introductory information is for reference only. 3SBio does not guarantee the accuracy, completeness or applicability of such information. Such information should not be regarded as the popularity of any medical knowledge and should not be regarded as a quality guarantee for any product produced, sold or promoted by 3SBio. It shall not be used as a substitute for referring doctors or other qualified medical and health professionals (collectively referred to as “medical professionals”) and shall not be used as the basis for any decision or action. Relevant medical products can only be obtained through regular medical channels and by prescriptions of doctors or qualified medical professionals. The medical product information provided here is incomplete and cannot replace the advice provided by a qualified medical professional. Any specific situation or general questions should be immediately consulted with relevant medical professionals. The diagnosis or treatment of any disease must be made by a doctor in a formal medical institution through professional medical advice or prescription. We do not provide personal medical diagnosis or specific patient treatment recommendations. Do not use the information provided on this site for diagnosing health, fitness or illness. Since the medical products involved in this website are not available in all countries and regions, and where applicable, government regulatory agencies in different countries and regions may have different requirements for restriction for the involving medical products regarding their sale and use when registering, approving or releasing, 3SBio does not guarantee that the medical products covered by this website have obtained relevant licenses in and outside the mainland of the People’s Republic of China. Whether your country or region has given relevant products related licenses, you should consult with your local medical professionals or regulatory authorities.

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